We would like to thank everyone for taking part in ILLY System’s 14th National User Group meeting.
This year we had one of the largest attendance facilitated remotely over Zoom and it gave us a fantastic opportunity to meet with our members across the ILLY Community and share the work being done and our plans for 2021.
Almost all services have now adopted remote working as a key process and as such this year’s theme captured the core message : “..engaging remotely, working collaboratively, succeeding together”
It’s with this in mind that we saw all of the brilliant work that our community has done. We heard from our fellow professionals about the huge amount of effort and hard work that has been put in by Keyworkers, Service Managers, Administrators, Data Analysts, Prescribers and Commissioners to keep some of the most vulnerable people in our communities safe and secure – well done!
We received some really valuable and constructive feedback on the day which will guide us as we continue to make a real difference to the services with whom we work.
Here is a short video of some of the day’s highlights:
Thank You!
At ILLY, our mission is to make a positive social change through the use of technology and data, and we are incredibly lucky to be partnered with so many passionate organisations who work with us to turn this into a reality!
Once again, thanks for making it such a special day. We look forward to seeing you again next year!
Next Steps
Our Client Services Team will be in touch to gather feedback from the day and arrange any actions going forward.
If you have any questions regarding the above, please don’t hesitate to contact us and we’ll be happy to help:
0207 749 2222