Northamptonshire County Council recently re-designed their Drug and Alcohol Treatment model and re-commissioned a new single service provider, which has been successfully rewarded to CRi from 1st February 2013. As part of the re-design the data for ~1300 active client records receiving treatment needed to be transferred into the new treatment model, this included all case management, NDTMS and prescription data.
The ILLY project team, CRi, regional NDTMS team, the Northamptonshire Business Intelligence and Performance Improvement (BIPI) team and commissioners have worked in partnership and agreed on a suitable approach in order to have met the short time frames for the 1st February 2013 delivery. Through comprehensive analysis, data and process workshops, the key tasks and actions were clearly identified and agreed by all parties involved.
The new substance misuse treatment model has successfully been implemented, with the new treatment provider, CRi now using the LINKS CarePath system across all their services in the Northampton area with all partners happy with the transition process.
‘Having worked with ILLY since 2007 we are pleased with the continued support and thorough project management they provided. We have recently commissioned CRi as part of our new treatment model and ILLY have supported us throughout this process’
(Joe Apea / Terry Pearson, Commissioning Manager)
‘We are looking forward to using the LINKS CarePath system and building a new relationship with the Northamptonshire commissioners and the ILLY team’
(Stacey Smith, CRi Clinical Deputy Director)