The integrated Harm Reduction module allows Needle Exchange services to enter new transactions in seconds. The module meets the minimum required information for Needle Exchange transactions and production of reports. The module also allows services to create their own packs, record returns as well as automatically mapping local item names for NEXMS reports.
The Needle Exchange module is currently being used by Harm Reduction services across the UK, helping them to provide a gateway into structured treatment for vulnerable clients. The module also bolts on all the require NEMXS reporting functionality to the standard reports section of the core LINKS CarePath system.

- ‘Quick-add’ forms to quickly create Needle Exchange clients with minimal detail
- Configure Harm Reduction packs
- Record returns
- Add Case Notes to each individual transaction
- Built-in Needle Exchange reporting functionality
- Comprehensive case management and outcomes reporting
- Optimises the system for use at Harm Reduction services
- Stores all case notes for reviews and audits
- Prevents duplicate clients being created
- Makes NEx reporting quick and easy
- Able to monitor the efficacy of NEx services as an effective gateway into structured treatment