NHS Inclusion and ILLY: delivering a ‘person-centered approach’ in Staffordshire

In April 2024, we were delighted to welcome the Staffordshire service to the ILLY community, which is being led by NHS Inclusion following a successful service transfer. Staffordshire, a non-metropolitan county comprising nine districts and the unitary authority area of Stoke-on-Trent, is home to a large population of over 850,000.

ILLY Systems and Inclusion have successfully worked together in partnership to make a difference within the substance misuse sector since 2015. Inclusion has been awarded the mandate for the integrated Staffordshire substance misuse service, including both the Adult and Young People’s services. Through the STaRS service, Inclusion will work to tackle the issues surrounding Substance Misuse as well as Mental Health, Sexual Health and Continuity of Care for Prison Leavers.

Challenges in Staffordshire:

The effects of substance misuse in Staffordshire are widespread and varied – 7 of Staffordshire’s 8 districts have a higher number of alcohol related hospital admissions than the national average and the number of drug poisoning related deaths are increasing. Couple this with the 1 in 4 people that will suffer from mental health in their lifetime, and it is clear to see that Inclusion will need a flexible system to tackle a range of issues.


Inclusion’s Aspirations:

Through a ‘person-centred’ approach, Inclusion is looking to address the multi-faceted issues that the people of Staffordshire are currently dealing with. With the help of a new system, Inclusion will be able to help the residents of Staffordshire “…get what they actually need in a timely and effective manner” – (Paul Weaver). This will include:

  • Providing an equitable service that is easily accessible for all to reach around Staffordshire
  • Ensuring a smoother transition throughout the client treatment journey
  • Highlighting and focusing on the individual needs of each of the Staffordshire residents


ILLY’s LINKS CarePath System:

With a feature rich, user led application that has been carefully developed with clinicians and practitioners, LINKS CarePath will support Inclusion in tackling the issues they face within Staffordshire. The person-centred client journey places the client at the heart of the system, and the added visibility and usability that CarePath provides will allow for Inclusion to cater to each client’s specific needs.

Would you like to find out more?

Through multi-agency partnership working, we strive to help vulnerable clients. This is done through a combination of sharing data, information and ideas to help better communities the quality of life of those in treatment.

If you have any questions or would like to find out more, please get in touch with our Client Services Team and we’ll be happy to help:

Phone 020 4566 5727   email  clientservices@illycorp.com