Substance Misuse

myCarePath is a public facing web application that is only accessible to invited users. The web application is designed to…

LINKS CarePath
LINKS CarePath is our market-leading, comprehensive case management and reporting system for healthcare providers. The system has been developed through…

LINKS Pharmacy
Public Health commissioning teams rely on pharmacies to provide essential services to substance misuse clients including the supervised consumption of…
Criminal Justice

LINKS CarePath
LINKS CarePath is our market-leading, comprehensive case management and reporting system for healthcare providers. The system has been developed through…
Rough Sleeping

CarePath: Rough Sleeping
The UK Government’s Rough Sleeping Strategy is committed to halving rough sleeping by 2022 and ending it by 2027. With a…
What our clients say
“ILLY supply very easy to use, progressive systems. On top of this, the team provide a friendly service and are amenable”
(Service Performance & Information Officer, Nottingham CDP)
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