ILLY SYSTEMS has been a trusted provider of PHE (now OHID) for many years and we have worked closely together to ensure that our system – LINKS CarePath – is fully NDTMS compliant. This has been the case since Core dataset C. | ![]() |
1. IPS Data The IPS (Individual Placement & Support) initiative was added to the CDS-Q dataset as a Modality. It enables services that deliver this initiative to record all the clients in receipt of this support via a new Modality (Modal code:111). NDTMS requested that the wording of the IPS Modality was changed from:
2. BINGE DRINKING Question (TOPs) A new field was added to the TOP for CDS-Q to record the number of ‘Binge Drinking’ days (in previous 28), to which the answers were:
NDTMS requested that another answer be made available so that workers could record “Not answered/not disclosed” (Code 99) – this was to ensure consistency with other fields on the TOP. 3. Client Gender For the question relating to a client’s ‘Sex at Birth’, NDTMS had stated that only two options would be available in CDS-Q: ‘Male’ or ‘Female’. However, following consultation, this decision was revised and the options reverted back to the previous dataset fields so that workers could choose the additional options of: ‘Not specified’ (Code: 9) and ‘Not known’ (Code: 0). 4. RECONNECT and HOMELESS EXIT fields New validations were required to be developed and deployed to fix an issue for services that work in secure settings. Where the ‘Secure Setting Exit Reason’ (EXITRSN) was populated with ‘Released’, then workers would be required to complete the ‘Secure Setting Exit Date’ (EXITD) field. However, validation should exist which would not make the EXITD field mandatory if the EXITRSN reason was either ‘Transferred’, ‘Died’ or ‘Absconded’. 5. RSDATG engagement A new Modality was added to the CDS-Q dataset to capture the number of clients engaging with structured drug and alcohol treatment that were also part of the Rough Sleeper Drug and Alcohol Treatment Grant initiative. Initially, this Modality was just for the Adult (AD) treatment cohort, however, in May this was amended to include YP clients too. This involved changing the underlying code of the Modality so that it could be added to both datasets. What do I need to do? Nothing! All the above changes have been implemented as part of the CDS-Q release date. The only exception is the amendment for YP clients engaging in the RSDATG initiative. This change will be included in a future release of LINKS CarePath. However, if your service needs this change earlier then please get in touch with us using the contact details below. At ILLY Systems, our role is to provide safe and secure systems that are compliant with the latest dataset for statutory reporting purposes. This we have consistently maintained through our collaborative working with NDTMS teams. Next Steps If you have any questions or would like to find out more, please get in touch with our Client Services team and we’ll be happy to help: +44 (0)20 4566 5727 |