ILLY release LINKS CarePath V2013 CDS L

We are thrilled to announce that we’ve completed the development and testing of the new features for LINKS CarePath v2013 and the system is currently being upgraded for all existing clients. These changes will mean more efficient and effective software that will help bring young peoples’ substance misuse treatment in line with their adult counterparts.

Following on from the changes made in Dataset J, Dataset L will mean that services will be able to hold more appropriate outcomes and record more information specifically on the treatment of alcohol clients and young people.

The new data set will mean that the following improvements are going to be made to the information collected by the central NDTMS team within PHE:

  • Capturing more details on risk factors for young people.
  • Updating recording of specialist interventions, their settings and their definitions.
  • Additional recording of non-specialist interventions. Updating how information relating to Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C is captured.
  • Removing data items that are not required in a national dataset for young people.
  • Developing a Young People outcome record for under 18 year olds young people in specialist substance misuse services.

Public Health England has already outlined their intentions to ensure that drug and alcohol treatments are constantly evolving, at ILLY we make sure that our systems are always improving in line with these. Key within this is constantly making sure that our systems help services, Key Workers and commissioners obtain information in an efficient manner.


The new YP Outcomes record is included in v2013 to ensure CarePath will remain NDTMS compliant


The changes to LINKS CarePath will be LIVE for all existing clients by 1st November 2013; these changes are for the benefit of the clients who we are dedicated to support and listen to.

If you have any further enquiries please don’t hesitate to ask. Our teams appreciate every single call and are happy to answer any questions.

For more information or to arrange a demonstration of the new LINKS CarePath system, please contact Chris Davies at or call 020 7749 2222.